Dodgems are a type of small ride that is popular with the public at home and abroad. It’s beyond imagination how good a bumper car business can be. For investors, it’s best to learn about amusement bumper cars for sale before buying one and starting a business. ‘What’s the battery usage for battery bumper car with full charge’, this is one of the frequent questions customers may ask. Take bumper cars for adults as an example. Here are the answers to the questions from both sides, how long can a battery bumper car with full charge or an electric grid dodgem last in a day and how many years will they last?
How Long Can a Battery Bumper Car with Full Charge & Electric Grid Dodgem Last in a Day?
In general, Dinis adult bumper car is a two-person dodgem. Due to its capacity, both children and adults can play with this equipment. But adults had better play with kids who are too young to ride the bumper car for adults alone.
As for the question of how long the equipment can last in a day, it really depends on the bumper car itself. As you know, there are two types of bumper cars for adults for sale, electric grid dodgems and battery dodgems. However, the two types of dodgems have different power supply methods.

On the one hand, the electric bumper cars (ground net / ceiling net) absorb electric energy or signals from the floor. So you don’t have to charge it. It can move the whole day as long as there is a steady power supply.
On the other hand, a battery bumper car, is literally powered by rechargeable batteries. By and large, it takes about 6-10 hours to charge the equipment. And the battery usage for a battery bumper car with full charge is around 8-10 hours.

Both types of dodgems are worth the investment. You can choose the optimal one based on your actual situation. By the way, the control cabinet or remote control has a function of setting the play time from 1 minute to 99 minutes. You can set the time yourself.
How Many Years Will Bumper Cars for Adults Last?
There’s no doubt that the adult bumper cars for sale are a low-investment but high-reward amusement ride. The normal lifespan of a Dinis two-person bumper car is generally about eight years if the operator does their daily maintenance well. The long life of Dinis dodgem is due to our use of professional craftsmanship and high quality materials such as FRP to manufacture high quality products. Welcome to investing in a Dinis bumper car for sale.